Meet the folks who make it all happen. Carlow Mandala Yoga Studio has a fantastic team of experienced teachers who are deeply devoted to the yogic philosophy and teaching. 

Nakie - Yoga Teacher
m.086 0754495

 Yin Yang Sundays 9 .30 am  
Restorative Mondays 8pm 
Mindful Movement Wednesdays 8pm

My Yoga Teacher Training initially began with Vinyasa Flow but I soon became truly inspired by, 'The Art of Yin.' Throughout my deep dive into the Yin experience, immersing  myself within the energies of the Feminine; such as, surrendering, stillness, vulnerability and receptivity, I learned that these softer energies, evoke enormous strengths too. Thus, I created, 'Potent Presence,' a carefully curated, deeply explorative practise, facilitated in such a way that you feel held within an intimate, safe space and guided to hold poses for longer periods of time; designed to rebalance our nervous systems. What you can expect on a physical level is completely beginner friendly, regardless of your fitness level you will feel confident to spend alot of time on the floor, gifting your joints a deep stretch and release. All levels are respectively welcomed and my guidance is rooted in the understanding that every body is different. I can not wait to begin our journey together! 

m.087 1191778

Gentle Yoga Saturdays 9.20 am 

After a decade long of suffering debilitating anxiety I was so lucky to find yoga! I initially done my teach training to gain further insight into the history of yoga and to get deeper into the other limbs and discovered that the  place I feel most at ‘home’ is teaching and serving others. 
My classes are suitable for all and gentle.
My breath used to be my enemy and a focus on it would send me into a panic attack- now my breath is my friend through regular pranayama and asana practice and I hope to help as many others who feel the same connect with their body and breath in a more positive, healthier way! 😊

m.085 7111382

Hatha Yoga Tue 5.30pm
Yoga for Stress Thursdays 8pm

Rachel has thousands of hours of yoga teaching, as well as over a decade of meditation and mindfulness training.

She teaches hatha, restorative and yoga nidra as well as yoga for therapy.


Her classes are tailored for all shapes and sizes with emphasis on yoga for stress relief, emotional regulation, and better sleep.

m.087 4064400

Slow Flow YogaTuesdays7pm
Mothers& Baby Yoga Tuesdays 10 am
Pregnancy Yoga Wednesdays 6.20pm

Details coming soon!

m.087 6679720

Slow FLow Yoga 7pm

Jeremy - Pilates Teacher
m. 089 4971705

Pilates Wednesdays 12pm
Fridays 6pm
Jeremie's goal as a Pilates Instructor is to help you improve your core strength, mobility and also give you the tools to manage day-to-day aches and pain, as well as understand your body better. He have gone through this process having been diagnosed with Classic EDS, Hyper-mobility and Fibromyalgia.
For him, discovering what movements worked took time, but once he 
got to know his body better and spent the time to listen to it, he was able to manage the pain and day-to-day well being through Pilates.
He wants to help others do the same and pass on what he have learnt through his own journey. He work with people at all levels of fitness.
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